Video: How to Keep Your Rig Clutter-Free

May 18, 2023 | Camping Tips, Video

Video: How to Keep Your Rig Clutter-Free

Professional organizer Xiamora Romero shares her top tips for keeping your RV tidy.

By Campendium

A clean and organized RV can help make your camping adventures stress-free. Professional organizer Xiamora Romero has a few tips to help keep your RV tidy.

Although it’s easier said than done, one way to stay organized is by reducing clutter inside your rig by following these steps.

  • Reduce before buying storage containers. Instead of going out and buying bins and other containers to store your belongings, try to reduce the items you need first. That way, you’ll only buy what you need instead of storing unnecessary items in bulky containers.
  • Take measurements. Before heading to the store, measure the storage areas inside your rig so you know what size bins and containers are needed.
  • Don’t rush the process. Take your time organizing your rig. Try to focus on one area at a time to not become overwhelmed with tackling your entire RV at once.
  • Include everybody. Make sure the whole family is included in the organization process. This way, everyone will know where things belong and how to keep the RV organized.
  • Embrace empty spaces. You don’t have to fill every nook and cranny inside of your RV. Allow yourself to have empty areas so it feels like you have more space.
  • Bonus tip: Use the “one in, one out” rule—every time you acquire something new, remove one item from your RV. This will help you keep clutter to a minimum and will force you to get rid of items you don’t need out on the road.

Related How To Organize Your RV: Take the full course from Roadpass University
